
Monday, June 15, 2015

My Summer Reading List {Part I}

I recently moved into a new apartment and had to face that daunting task of choosing which books to bring with me. This is one of the hardest parts about moving, if you ask me, because it forces me to predict my reading preferences for the foreseeable future. That's not to say that the books on my shelf are my only options for the next few months-- I lived a two-minute walk from the library and also rely on my Kindle when I'm in a reading rut-- but still I like being able to just grab one from my shelf as I get into bed each night. As I packed up a few boxes of books for my new place, I decided to challenge myself to create a little summer reading list. I've really been trying to spend less on books in general, so I pulled books that I haven't read (or want to re-read) from my own shelf. 
Below you'll find my picks for this summer (although this doesn't include any of the library books that I will inevitably add to the list over time).

The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova // I just finished this one a few nights ago, so keep an eye out for a review soon! This one is for fans of dual narration, historical fiction, and art fiction. 

The Paris Wife by Paula McLain // I picked this one up so long ago but still haven't read it because I felt like it was going to be perfect for a summer read.

The Master Magician by Charlie N. Holberg // You saw this one in my June Currently Coveting. I actually put off reading it because I'm so sad that it's going to be the last in the series. I just love these characters and the world that Holmberg has built. I'm about half-way through it now and already strongly recommend it to fans of the first two in the series.

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis // You're going to see a trend here: a lot of books that were really, really popular a few years ago, and that's because I never got around to reading them. 

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd // Another Oprah pick, because let's be honest, she has great taste in books.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling // Is a summer reading list complete without at least one Harry Potter? Definitely not. I absolutely love plopping down in my comfy reading chair and diving into this series. I have that hands-down-best-books-ever feeling when I think about how much this series has impacted my life as a reader. You can read a little more about my sentimentality for this series here.

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker // This is my newest book and it looks like a good one to bring on a vacation or pick up when you have time to fall completely into a book. Here's the line that made the difference between putting it back on the shelf or tucking it into the crook of my arm and heading to check out: "On a seemingly ordinary Saturday in a California suburb, 11-year-old Julia and her family awake to discover, along with the rest of the world, that the rotation of the earth has suddenly begun to slow. The days and nights grow longer and longer, gravity is affected, the environment is thrown into disarray." What a hook. I can't wait to read it.

That's all for now-- I don't want this post to turn into my longest ever-- so check back next week for Part II!

Happy Reading!

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