
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Review: A Piece of the World

File this under: books I read in less than 24 hours. Do you need more of a recommendation than that?

Here's what I love about the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club: it pushes me outside of my comfort zone. Without the book club, I can say with 90% certainty that I would not have picked up A Piece of the World this year. This is not a novel that screams "look at me!" on the bookstore shelf. It's unassuming (as are its characters) but it's beautiful and has an unexpected depth, and that quiet genius is what is going to propel it to the top of readers' lists this year. It leaves an impact greater than its 320 pages, but its size makes it easy for all readers to access and enjoy without having to commit to a giant tome.

Kline previously found success with Orphan Train and though I haven't yet read that one (however, I am fairly certain I own it...), after reading this novel it's definitely at the top of my list for this year.
A Piece of the World tells the story behind this painting. I can tell you now that there's really not a whole lot to the plot -- if you are an action-oriented reader, this book won't be for you. Our main character is Christina, the woman in the painting and the resident of the house in the distance. Christina may descend from the infamous Hathorn family but never has she experience an adventure worth of her family name.

Instead, her life on her family's farm is defined by routines, and a lifelong illness further isolates her from the society that she craves. The story follows Christina from childhood to old age, and while that may not sound like the most compelling description, I can assure you that this was one book I did not mind staying up late for. I would recommend this for book clubs especially, and I can't wait for our book club discussion at the end of this month. 

Bottom-Line Rating: 5/5

Title: A Piece of the World
Author: Christina Baker Kline
Publisher: William Morrow, 2017
Price: $19 on Amazon
ISBN: 0062356267
Format: Hardcover
Source: Personal Library

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