
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A New (Online) Book Club!

Hello reading friends.

I have something to share with you today that has been a huge game-changer for me and my reading habits as of late.

If you've followed me for a while, you may already know how much I love Anne Bogel's blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy. Anne is my favorite book blogger, but she also writes about life, personality tests, fun things around the web, and other things that make my heart happy.

In addition to writing fabulous reviews, Anne also hosts my favorite podcast (she's obviously very talented), What Should I Read Next?, where she asks ordinary bookworms to share three of their favorite books, one book that they hate, and what they've been reading lately. She then digs through her extraordinary wealth of bookish knowledge to recommend three new reads for her guests.

Anne recently launched a new book club for readers of her site to come together and discuss all things books together. I was first debating whether or not to join the book club (it costs $10 a month), but I bit the bullet when I saw that November's book club pick was Rebecca, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist.

What I love about the book club is that not only does Anne pick a new book each month and set up forums for discussions, she actually selects a "flight" of books to accompany each month's read. That way, if you've read the book already (I read Rebecca over the summer), you have two other books that pair well with it to continue discussion of similar themes.

There's also space to talk about general book-related topics, share recommendations, etc. Essentially, it's everything you've ever wanted in a book club (ahem, people actually reading the book!!) but it's convenient if you're in a season of life where that in-person book club isn't going to happen.

I love being able to take a peek at the discussion threads during my lunch break or at night before I hop into bed with my own reading.

I find that since I've joined the book club, I feel more excited about my reading because I know I have people to discuss it with. That connection is meaningful to me, especially because I don't have a huge circle of fellow bookworms in my personal life.

My current read for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club!

If you're looking for an extra space to discuss the books that you love, consider joining the book club!

Happy Reading!

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