
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Deals & Steals with Bookbub

You guys. This post is a game-changer. I am so excited to tell you about Bookbub today.

As you may or may not know, I am a literal hoarder of books. (And shoes -- but that's not what we're here to talk about.) I truly have trouble going into a bookstore without buying myself a book, despite the fact that I have stacks of books halfway up my wall and a full bookshelf, a quarter of which I have yet to read. I know I'm not alone in this, and I think my love of aesthetics is partially to blame. I just cannot resist a book with a pretty cover & spine. 

However, as much as I love my book collection, I also recognize that over the next few years, I can plan on moving at least twice, which means that my boxes and boxes of books will become a bit of a burden. Enter Bookbub, the website that lets me acquire new reads without adding titles to my physical shelves by downloading discounted reads onto my Kindle. If you have an e-reader, this deal is for you!

Bookbub is a website that features new e-book deals everyday. You enter your email address & sign up for an account, tell them which genres you're interested in reading and what kind of device you read on (Kindle, Nook, iBooks, etc.). Once you're signed up, they'll send you a personally curated list of deals to your inbox daily!

For my account, I signed up for deals on several different genres. Like many recommendation algorithms, some of the books miss the mark on my interests, but others are spot-on! The best part? Most of the books listed are on sale for less than $3 and there are always a few that you can get for free. Free books?! That's one thing I will never turn down. If you're a compulsive book-buyer like me, that makes a big difference. I am always on the hunt for a deal, and with my Bookbub subscription (which I signed up for in January), I've already downloaded seven books for free on my Kindle! Now, I'll just toss my Kindle in my purse and know that if I'm bored, I have a whole lot of books to choose from!

I'm one of those people that really dislikes getting promotional deals in my inbox everyday (I've recently gone on an unsubscribing spree), but this is one e-mail that I don't ming getting and highly recommend to readers who primarily use e-readers over physical books.

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