
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lately at the Library

There are few things I love more than going to the library. I love the way that the library feels. It's quiet, but it's almost as if you can hear the rustling of pages, of stories waiting to be read. I love thinking about how many characters and worlds exist in such a small space.

The library is a place where I sometimes go to recharge. Most of the time I run in and out to return books and to pick up holds, but about once a week I like to go in just to wander. A lot of the time I come out with way more books than I could possibly read in the amount of time I'm allowed to keep them, but I like having the choice when I get home.

I wanted to share what kind of books have caught my eye lately during my wanderings. I tend to always get about 10 picture books to browse and take with me to school for the kids to read, but I also usually end up with a relatively tall stack of pleasure reads. 

I know that the fall doesn't really begin for another month or so, but I've been drawn to fall reads on recent trips. That can only mean that my favorite season is approaching -- but I'll refrain from talking about it for another week or so!

Here's what ended up in my stack on a recent trip to my local public library -- I've included Goodreads links below -- check out the full description if the cover catches your eye (like it did mine)!

Conversion by Katherine Howe // Young Adult, by a favorite (local) author. An elite prep school, allusions to The Crucible, and of course a local setting. Oh, and that witch-y feeling, which you know is my favorite to read in the fall.

Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid // I've since decided that it would probably be a literary crime to read this before I've read the original (Austen) version. It caught my eye because it's part of The Austen Project series, in which contemporary writers modernize Jane's original works. It'll go back to the library unread -- for now. You can consider the original to be at the top of my classics list for now.

The Nautical Chart by Arturo PĂ©rez-Reverte // I've read this author before in high school (I highly recommend his The Fencing Master), and really loved his style. Plus, this has sunken ships, and you can always count on my interest in a treasure hunting-type of tale.

The Cruelest Month (Inspector Gamache #3) by Louise Penny // I just started reading this mystery series this summer thanks to the recommendation of Anne Bogel, and I love it. This is the third, which I just finished today -- in my opinion, it was the best of the series so far. I'll be posting more about the series after I've read a few more.

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier // Another recommendation from Anne Bogel, for readers who loved The Thirteenth Tale (one of my all-time favorite gothic books). I can't wait to dive into this, if not to relive that subtle, creepy-crawling feeling that comes with gothic fiction.

Haunted Ground by Erin Hart // Forensics + history + archaeology + suspense. Need I say more? This is totally in my wheelhouse. Plus, the main investigator is a woman, somewhat unusual in mystery novels and definitely to my liking.


I will add a disclaimer here that although this particular batch is a little grim-looking, my children's picks are usually rather bright and cheery. Balance, right?

What's caught your eye at the library lately?

Happy Reading!

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