
Friday, March 6, 2015

Inspired: The Lives of Extraordinary Women

It's FriYAY! Around here we are celebrating not only the weekend, but also the fact that we are one week closer to spring break! I am super excited to head home next weekend for snuggles with my kitty, late mornings in bed with a good book, and a week to hit up all my favorite spots at home for coffee, lunch, and maybe a bit of shopping. I'm also crossing my fingers for warm, sunny days and long walks around town!

This Sunday also marks International Women's Day! You can find out more about it here, but I thought I'd celebrate by highlighting my all-time favorite book about inspirational women in history.

My mother gave me this book when I was younger and it has long been one of my favorites to browse through for stories on truly incredible women throughout history. From Cleopatra, to Joan of Arc, to Harriet Tubman and Eleanor Roosevelt, this book has a great round up of women who were bold, intelligent, and eager to leave their mark on the world.

Each entry features one woman, with beautiful illustrations that lend extra context to the descriptions of their lives and also includes a section on how they impacted their immediate societies and any lasting impacts on history. The content is appropriate for older elementary students (because let's be real, though we admire these women, some of them made questionable moral choices that could lead to awkward conversations with your child). I love that each entry is short enough to read in one sitting, so you can browse a few at a time and skip around to different time periods (it is organized chronologically). The book provides an excellent introduction to so many influential women, and a sparked interest in any one of them could be a great opportunity to look for further reading material.

P.S. I also stumbled upon this great booklist of 15 picture books featuring women in history. This list features another childhood favorite of mine, You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer! If you're looking for more books to read with your littles, this list is a great place to start!

Happy weekend, and happy reading!

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